How To Open Door With Broken Handle From Outside: 15 Ingenious Ways

Hi there, I am here with a new topic about how to open door with broken handle from outside as you know the Doors are the unsung heroes of our homes, providing security and privacy. But what happens when the hero itself, the door handle, gives up on us? Finding yourself locked out with a broken door handle can be a frustrating situation.

how to open door with broken handle from outside

In this guide about How to Open a Door With a Broken Handle, we’ll explore the art of opening a door from the outside when the handle has thrown in the towel. Let’s explore 15 creative ways to open a door from the outside when the handle decides to play hard to get.

15 Ways To How To Open Door With Broken Handle From Outside

Let’s explore the 15 different ways to how to open door with broken handle from outside:

1. Assess the Situation

You need to understand the door’s mechanism first and identify the type of broken handle to learn about how to open door with broken handle from outside. Check for additional damages that might complicate the unlocking process.

2. Gather Necessary Tools

Equip yourself with essential tools like screwdrivers, pliers, or a credit card. Preparation is crucial; having the right tools can make a significant difference. Its an important step in how to open door with broken handle from outside DIY guide.

3. Alternative Handles

If available, look for other handles on windows or nearby doors that could serve as substitutes. Use the alternative handle to open the door by replicating the usual motion.

4. Leverage a Screwdriver

The next step in how to open a door with a broken handle from outside is to Insert a flathead screwdriver into the latch mechanism. Apply gentle pressure while turning the screwdriver to mimic the action of a functional handle.

5. Credit Card Trick

The next step in how to open door with broken handle from outside is to Slide a sturdy credit card between the door and the frame. Wiggle and maneuver the card to push the latch back and open the door.

6. Coat Hanger Method

Unwind a wire coat hanger and fashion it into a hook shape. Insert the hook through the door frame and manipulate the latch to unlock.

Bonus tip: Share this DIY guide about how to open door with broken handle from outside with your friends if you like.

7. Use a Tennis Ball

Cut a small hole in a tennis ball and place it over the keyhole. Press firmly, creating pressure to pop the door open. This is a DIY technique in this guide of how to open door with broken handle from outside.

8. Tap the Door

Tap the door around the latch area with a hammer or mallet. Sometimes, a bit of force can dislodge the latch and free the door.

9. Try a Plastic Card

Similar to the credit card trick, use a flexible plastic card to manipulate the latch. Insert and slide the card to release the latch.

10. Hammer and Screwdriver Combo

Position a screwdriver into the latch and tap it with a hammer. The impact may disengage the latch, allowing you to open the door. This is an important step in how to open door with broken handle from outside.

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11. Bypassing the Hinges

Remove the hinge pins using a screwdriver that you have. Lift the door off the hinges to access the interior.

12. Drill the Lock Cylinder

Carefully drill through the lock cylinder to create an opening. Use a screwdriver to turn the mechanism and open the door. Be careful while using drills when you are trying technique of how to open door with broken handle from outside.

13. Window Entry

If the door has a nearby window, consider removing the windowpane. Reach through and unlock the door from the inside.

14. Call for Professional Help

When all else fails, seek assistance from a locksmith or door repair service. Professionals have the expertise to handle complex situations.

15. Replace the Handle

As a last technique in how to open door with broken handle from outside, consider replacing the broken handle. Choose a durable replacement and follow the steps for installation.


Being locked out due to a broken door handle is undoubtedly a headache for many of us, but with these 15 creative methods that DIYSwift has presented for you, you’re equipped to tackle the challenge head-on.

Whether it’s utilizing everyday items or employing DIY techniques, these solutions offer a range of options for how to open door with broken handle from outside. Remember, persistence often opens doors, even those with malfunctioning handles.


How do you open a door if there is no handle?

In the absence of a handle, you can use a flathead screwdriver to carefully manipulate the latch mechanism, allowing you to open the door.

How to fix a door knob that turns but doesn’t open from the outside?

To address a door knob that turns without unlocking, remove the knob and inspect the latch assembly. Lubricate or replace parts as needed to restore proper functionality.

How do you open a front door when the mechanism is broken?

If the front door mechanism is broken, consider using a credit card or a sturdy plastic card to maneuver the latch from the outside, granting you access.

How do you open a door with a stuck latch?

For a door with a stuck latch, try tapping the door near the latch area with a hammer or mallet. The gentle force can help dislodge the latch, allowing the door to open.

How do you fix a broken door handle?

Repairing a broken door handle involves identifying the issue, acquiring replacement parts if necessary, and securing the handle back in place, ensuring a snug fit for proper functionality.

How do you fix a broken door lock?

Fixing a broken door lock may involve disassembling the lock, cleaning or lubricating internal components, and replacing any damaged parts before reassembling for improved performance.

How do you unlock a lock?

To unlock a lock, insert the appropriate key and turn it in the direction specified for unlocking. Ensure the key matches the lock type and is in good condition.

How do you pick a simple lock?

Picking a simple lock requires a tension wrench and a lock pick. Apply tension with the wrench while manipulating the pins with the pick until the lock clicks open.

if you have any questions then you may contact us.

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